Heya Friendos!
Our second annual, worldwide Guardians of Lodino Forest Tournament is right around the corner...
2021 Open Invitational Trailer - ft. Music by Hessam (When 4Ever Has Gone By)
Our 2nd annual Guardians Open Invitational will take place on April 1st, 2021, at 3p.m. EST / 7p.m. GMT LIVE on via Twitch - https://twitch.tv/voxpopgames. - Follow our Page for the MultiStre.AM
Get your CashApp's setup
Sign-Up for VoxPop: https://rb.gy/dgmiai
Download PC Client Platform: https://rb.gy/v9se9s
Support the Creator & Developer Adrien Dittrick by purchasing the Title - https://rb.gy/oesql5 (You can also search the Platform's user directory for your favorite streamer, and purchase via their Recommendation Page - i.e. GRINGOjr's Recomendations)
Connect with Holly and/or Marc via Discord, email, carrier pigeon, etc., to state your intention to live stream at the allotted time of Thursday April 1st, 2021, at 3p.m. EST / 7p.m. GMT
Our current MAX player cap is 16, we currently have 8 slots filled with 8 available, so JOIN SOON.
Players will have 90 minutes during the event, starting at 2:45pm 3p.m. EST / 7p.m. GMT SHARP, to engage in a score at zeroed out
Players can restart runs with the new tournament-ready build 1.03 currently found on the VoxPop Client
Max Score is ZERO, meaning there is a way for players to get a total tally of no deaths, and no Strokes placed against there final tally.
The player with the lowest score will win the GRAND PRIZE $CASHAPP purse of $75 USD. The CASH is yours for the taking!!!