BROOKLYN, NEW YORK - July 31st, 2024 - DILLO GUY, enters the fray with a new storefront page that has gone live worldwide on PC Steam.

DILLO GUY is an indie single-screen, 2D puzzle-platformer from developer KIT. The game tasks players with collecting 50 gems inside 50 rooms, to prevent the end of the World!
DILLO GUY is being developed in collaboration with students from Bradley University, who have joined developer kits through VoxPop Games’ student initiative. In addition to helping college students find placement, and ensuring their compensation, VoxPop will also be providing publishing support to the DILLO GUY project.
“DILLO GUY is KIT’s latest indie game project, and we’re so excited to welcome Scott Selke (Bradley University ‘24), and Zane Brown (Bradley University ‘24) as university student collaborators to assist with internal development on the project” stated Dr. Jamie (Arron) White, PhD, serving as the Creative Director for developer, Kittens in Timespace, “The teamwork between our expanded development team and VoxPop has enhanced Dillo Guy, helping to make it a project we're proud to share with the world. Through our partnership, we've been able to create a game that's both enjoyable, exciting and fresh!”
Jamie continued: ”Our joint efforts on the game have been instrumental in crafting a game that's engaging and entertaining for players of all ages. The partnership with VoxPop has played a key role in developing Dillo Guy, a game we’re sure will delight players.”
By bringing in undergrad or recent graduate collegiate students to assist smaller-scale, indie productions, VoxPop is hoping to help them build out their real-world experience portfolios and set them out on their own game development journeys.
“We are getting the ball rolling on our creator’s hub initiative within the VoxPop Games platform. Our toolset for our web client and standalone application is set to be unleashed to the public within the next few weeks,” explained VoxPop Co-Founder & COO, Marc Anthony Rodriguez
“There is a hunger for all kinds of creatives to get into the industry. More and more, students are being told that their only option for fruitful careers is in STEM. But video games need more than just designers! They need artists, writers, and musicians too. We are reaching out to all universities around the country and telling them they have a place here. It can all start here with VoxPop!”
In the animal kingdom, one animal reigns above all in speed, strength, and durability… that animal is the Armadillo. Using the DNA of this powerhouse and the small sacrifice of a recruit, the government has made the next step in military genetics: Dillo Guy!
Now he must face a labyrinth of platforming levels to save the world. Can he do it? No one can be sure, but we do know that if you hear the heavy thumping of a rolling human armadillo hybrid, you’re in for some action!
Download DILLO GUY Presskit: HERE
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For more information on VoxPop Games, follow on X (fka Twitter), and visit us on the official VoxPop Games website. Editors interested in covering DILLO GUY can email Marc Anthony Rodriguez (
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VoxPop Games, Inc., is a New York based game development and distribution platform. VoxPop primarily caters to independent developers who may not have the marketing budget to pursue traditional advertising and hiring as a model.
Developers can use the VoxPop platform to find collaborators using a percentage of their future profits, recruiting everything from programmers and artists to build the game, to influencers and celebrities to promote their products. Meanwhile, contractors can trust that their payments will be backed by a robust, and automated system which will keep their employers’ honest months or years after the project’s completion.
VoxPop is part of the NYC Games Industry Council, MOME & EDC Roundtable and collaborates with non-profit groups like the NYC IGDA. VoxPop hopes to disrupt the gaming market by creating systems for smaller content creators to prop up one another.
ABOUT Kittens In TimeSpace:
KITTENS IN TIMESPACE comprises a diverse, multi-talented team with backgrounds that span across software, video games, film and television.
We are a passionate litter of kittens tasked with making games whilst simultaneously travelling along the ninth dimension!
You can learn more about Kittens In TimeSpace on X (fka Twitter) or via their website: